When is enough sufficient?
We get so comfortable with doing or following a path of what society, our family, friends want us to do when in reality we end up becoming unhappy because we never really wanted that path to begin with.
We start over thinking about the expression ‘when.’ When I make a certain amount of money then maybe I can do this, move here, do this, write this, quit this. When I’m in a relationship with someone then maybe I can feel this and less that. When I have my degree then maybe I can share the knowledge I know.
Perhaps that is where when becomes enough already and you begin to ask why not now? Why not begin where I’am right now? You take it day by day. Discipline yourself in doing the things that excite you instead of draining you.
Enough can be enough. Period. We can let our minds limit us or light the fire that has been burning in us all along.
We ultimately have the choice, the choices to change or stay where we are. That’s where transformation happens. Where enough has a different meaning. It may be a beginning of something else.Something new. Something different. That is where the magic happens.