On loving yourself.
Loving myself has been a journey.
A journey I will always continue working on.
Loving myself means trusting myself.
Trusting my intuition.
Resting when I need to.
Working on myself mentally and physically.
It means loving all of me, even the parts that are imperfect.
It means speaking my truth.
It means giving my love without expectations.
It means not abadoning myself , my integrity or values.
It means being my 100% authentic self.
Accepting what is and not dwell on the things I can’t control.
It makes making decisions from an expansive place versus depletion.
It makes choosing a partner where we both accept and love each other unconditionally.
It means following my bliss.
It means moving in flow and re-staring when is needed.
It means being compassionate, forgiving, kind, patient loving to myself and others.
It means living a life with more love than fear.