More myself. A poem on self -love.
I wrote this poem a few years ago at a live poetry workshop. The class was led by an amazing poet named IN-Q . In this class, he challenged us to write from our heart and once we wrote the poem, we had to read it out loud to someone who was siting beside us, someone new and the even braver option was going in front of the class and sharing it with everyone. Given, I’am a shy person and terrified of public speaking, I choose the one on one option instead. By the way, this was still a nerve wracking choice but I knew I had to overcome some of my fears.
I have always found writing poetry to be therapeutic but reading it out loud to a stranger? Powerful! I didn’t realize how much I was holding on to the past, the pain, the heartbreak from a previous relationship until I did this. It felt amazing to finally let it out and let it go.
This is what I wrote.
More myself
I never thought I’d see the light again.
Yet here I ‘am.
Beaming like the sun.
Doing everything I thought would be impossible.
Dreams I had abandoned.
The courage neglected.
I lost myself with you.
Found my truth when you let me go.
The pain faded into the wind.
Love is all around me.
It has always been here.
In this sacred space deep within my soul.
-Nancy Nunez