Discovering oneself project-When music becomes your savior. Day #10
Do you ever wonder when things happen “coincidentally” or “ironically” at the perfect timing? I do. It’s like someone in the universe knows you need some help and sends you just what you need… if you pay attention.
The other day I was driving to my usual parking spot for a beach run and was in a funk. I was feeling in a ‘what am I doing with my life mood’. I began to question my career, my past decisions. As soon as that was happening, I got an answer from the heavens above. I like to think it was from the heavens above. It was more of an encouraging reminder, to keep going. Clarifying to me I was on the right path or the path I’am suppose to be in even though I wasn’t exactly where I wanted to be. It reminded me that I was going to be ok after all. That it will make sense one day when I look back. The song ‘I will survive’ by Gloria Gaynor came up on my random playlist. I smiled and sang my heart out. At that moment, I wrote a note to myself. This is what I wrote.
When negativity tries to come on by, say
Not here!
Not today!
-Nancy Nunez
Then you sing or say out loud:
“I’ve got all my life to live.
And I’ve got all my love to give and I’ll survive.I will survive! — Gloria Gaynor
Thanks for reading friends. Be good to yourselves.