Discovering oneself project. Poem#3
I cried last night. I was watching a Christmas romantic movie. Made me think about relationships.Dating. I began questioning myself. Where did they go wrong? How come the person I liked, didn’t ever call me back? Why do adults ghost people instead of being honest? Did I show I cared about them too much? Did I smother them with too many questions or compliments? Did I show too much enthusiasm when I liked someone? Why do the guys I like tell me “you are a great, kind, beautiful, smart woman” or “you’re a great catch” and yet they go date other people.
This poem is called:
Just right
Have we met?
Do you exist?
I hope so.
I’m longing for a different type of love.
One that will begin with honest conversations.
It won’t feel rushed.
Where will it go?
Who knows.
I will know.
He will know.
It will be just right.
-Nancy Nunez