Discovering oneself project. Poem#1
Ok. I decided to start a new project. One of my favorite things to do is write. No kidding! That’s why I’m here. I enjoy writing mostly poetry. This year I’ve written some poetry but haven’t been as consistent as I would like to be. This is where my new project comes in. It will consist of mostly new poems. I will be writing one poem per day and might throw some of the poems I wrote towards the beginning and middle of the year. Anyway, this is my ‘Discovering oneself project’. It’s an open invitation for anyone who is interested in reading. Some will be short and some will be shorter poems. Haha! Some may be longer.Here goes the first poem. Enjoy.
This poem is called:
Keep Climbing. Keep Going.
I refuse to follow the known path.
I want to go where few or none have gone before.
I want to keep falling and keep climbing.
I want to blaze new paths for amazing humans.
Diverse communities united.
Living a life of my own terms.
Refrain from being a prisoner of my fears.
Breaking those bad habits and negative beliefs from the past.
Surrendering to the history that caused so much pain.
Forgiving myself and others.
Making room for a better future.
A new mountain.
An extraordinary story.
Yes! That is where I want to go.
With intention.
With grace.
With courage.
With passion.
With faith.
With peace.
With joy.
With love.
Keep climbing. Keep going.
-Nancy Nunez