5 things I’ve learned from reading how successful people think.

Nancy Nunez
4 min readDec 2, 2020


I’ve read over 100 books in the self-development world. I’m not saying this to brag. I’m honestly a curious human to learn how successful people think.

photo from Unsplash

1. If you keep thinking of starting or doing something new, do it now and start today!

Interested in starting a new business, writing a book, starting a blog, going back to school, sky diving, travel to a different place, moving somewhere new? Why don’t you start from where you are now and throw all those excuses out the window.

I began applying this mindset in 2014. I started a blog. Then, I did this with self-publishing my own books. I kept thinking about it for years until finally I said, that’s it, I’m just going to start and figure it out as I go. There were obstacles but eventually I made it happen.

2. Stop trying to please everyone or try to have them like you.

Listen, not unless you are chocolate chip cookies, then maybe you can be liked by most humans but even that is not a guarantee. This was an eye opener for me. I personally have struggled and still do from time to time worrying what people think. Do they like what I wrote? What about what I posted? I began changing my perspective. Do I like what I do? Does this align with my values? People like different things, that’s what makes us human. It’s ok if someone doesn’t like what you do, or who you are. Focus on making an impact with the few friends you have or people who support you no matter what journey you are in life.

3. Consistency is what it’s all about.

Photo from Unsplash

You don’t go to the gym one day and expect a six pack do you? Or how about getting your six back then you stop going to the gym? Do you think your six pack will last? I don’t think so. You must remember to take action each day, those small steps add up but it’s up to us to maintain it that way. If you don’t see immediate results, it shouldn’t mean you should give up right away. I have my moments when I want those results now but need to remember that practicing, patience, putting in the work daily, on whatever I’m working on is what makes a difference. In the end it’s all about your priorities and what you choose to focus on.

4. Block time to unplug.

Photo by Artem Kovalev on Unsplash

How will you know what you want, get some clarity, or have some sanity without spending time with yourself? What I mean is, a solo time for you to sit quietly and breath. Unplug from the world, even if it’s for 5, 10 minutes in the morning or 5,10 minutes in the night. I think It’s important to check in with ourselves to see how we are doing and where we may need help on. I personally learned to love meditation this year and began journaling more consistently to help me clear out my thoughts.

5. Move your body …every day.

Photo from Unsplash

Everyday sounds insane, I know but it’s not about doing excessive exercises every day.

It’s about moving in some way. Stretching, Walking, running (my personal favorite), strength training, dancing in your kitchen, playing catch or soccer with your kids, that’s some sort of movement. Any other movement from siting from your dining room chair, to your desk chair to your couch. I’ve learned moving my body has helped me uplift my mood and helps with any stress I may have. The more you move each day, the better you will feel. Plus, it feels awesome when you push yourself to a good workout.

5) Remain optimistic

Photo by Georgie Cobbs on Unsplash

It’s easy to go to a negative mindset. Does that help you in any way? Of course not.

Oprah has a saying “where attention goes, energy flows.”

Stop putting your energy on negativity, judgements, or self-doubts. Remember, there’s only 24 hours each day. Make the best of it and keep believing in yourself.



Nancy Nunez
Nancy Nunez

Written by Nancy Nunez

Enjoy writing about personal growth and self- awareness. My poetry books are available on Amazon. www.nancynunez.com

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